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Municipal/Public Bodies

Municipalities are the foundation of our democracy, and helping municipalities garner the resources that will ensure quality services, safety and security for their residents is a top priority at Alcalde & Fay.


Public works and infrastructure needs in cities, counties and states abound, and requests for resources for public works are plentiful on Capitol Hill. Will yours receive the attention it deserves? It will if Alcalde & Fay is your Washington representative.


The Alcalde & Fay Municipalities/Public Bodies Practice Group represents many of our oldest clients, some dating back to our founding 40 years ago. We are their eyes and ears in the nation’s capital, tracking and engaging in every opportunity to address budgetary goals and affect legislation and regulations that impact the day-to-day lives of their citizens.


Our clients come with a wide variety of infrastructure, citizen services and economic development needs, including:



Beach Protection, Renourishment, and Development

Water Resources Development, Water Supply, and Wastewater Treatment

Economic Development and Federal Housing Initiatives

Law Enforcement and Homeland Security Technology and Training


Environmental Programs and Hazardous Waste Mitigation

Ecosystem Restoration and Maintenance

Medical, Mental Health, Homeless and Aging Facilities

Historic Preservation, Museums, Libraries and Other Public Buildings


Alcalde & Fay has provided highly successful leadership in representing the needs of America's communities for 40 years. Through hard work and dedication to our clients' goals, Alcalde & Fay's Municipalities/Public Bodies Practice Group has served as the catalyst to make communities across America safer, cleaner and more livable. Even without “congressionally directed”/earmarks, we have helped guide clients towards federal funding through programmatic and authorized funding opportunities.

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