Kevin Fay
Vice-Chairman & CEO

Kevin J. Fay, Vice-Chairman & CEO, is an internationally recognized specialist on environmental and energy issues with particular emphasis on governmental policies involving the atmosphere and climate.
Mr. Fay has twice been recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency for leadership in global environmental protection. He has also served in a management capacity for public affairs programs for major trade associations.
Currently, he serves as Executive Director of the International Climate Change Partnership, a coalition of companies and trade associations working to develop international policies on the global climate change issue. He has also been active as Counsel to the Alliance for Responsible Atmospheric Policy, a coalition of several hundred companies and associa¬tions working to address the ozone depletion issue; and with the Safe Buildings Alliance, a business-oriented association dealing with the problem of asbestos in construction materials.
Mr. Fay was active in the legislative process that led to the 1990 Clean Air Act and has served as an industry representative on U.S. delegations dealing with these issues at international negotiations.
A trained media spokesperson, Mr. Fay has appeared on numerous television and radio shows, including ABC's "Nightline" and CNN's "Crossfire."
Active in civic affairs, he serves on the Board of the World Children's Choir, and the Leukemia Society Ball Executive Committee. In recognition of his service to the community, Mr. Fay was honored as a recipient of the prestigious Lord Fairfax award for the year 2000. The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors presents this award each year for distinguished contributions to the community. He has also been honored in 1999 and 2000 as a recipient of the Catholic Schools Business Partnership award from the Catholic Business Network of Northern Virginia. In January 2000, he was named by the McLean Times and Providence Journal as its Citizen of the Year.
He is a member of the Virginia State Bar. He received his J.D. from American University in Washington DC and is an Honors graduate from the University of Virginia.