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If your organization is engaged in the pursuit of sound business practices and compliance with reasonable environmental policies, the Alcalde & Fay Environment and Energy Practice Group will help you navigate the public policy terrain at all levels, international, federal and state.

In global discussions about climate change, ozone protection and toxic substances, Alcalde and Fay provides a leading, respected voice. Recognized for domestic and international expertise and experience, members of our Environment and Energy Practice Group are called upon by governments and organizations worldwide to represent the voice of business in the environmental debate.

The services we provide clients are comprehensive:

Environmental and Policy Compliance Analysis

Coalition Development and Management

Legislative Consultation for Corporations in the Energy and Environment Arena

Monitoring and Influencing Federal and State-Level Environmental Rulemakings Domestically and Abroad

Access to International Policy Making and Issue Consideration, including within UN Institutions

Participation in and/or Development of Seminars on Trends in Environmental Policy, Issues and Solutions

Design and Execution of Comprehensive Communications Strategies, including Website and Social Media Management


Alcalde & Fay offers its experience from managing well-recognized international business coalitions including a coalition of businesses and associations dedicated to a "smart" approach to international climate change policy; a coalition of manufacturers and users of CFCs, HCFCs and HFCs that participate in the development of reasonable international and national policies regarding ozone protection and climate change; and an innovative coalition of global industry stakeholders that supports policies to expand the food cold chain, while reducing food waste and benefiting the climate.  These coalitions have pursued and achieved ambitious goals, such as treaty amendments, intended to generate both economic and environmental benefits.

Our Environment and Energy Practice Group represents the environmental business interests of organizations ranging from those that consume energy to those that produce environmentally-friendly products. Wherever you are on the spectrum, we respect and understand your goals and will work with you to ensure that environmental decision makers understand and respect your business, too.

Our Environment and Energy Practice Group is headed by Kevin Fay, president of Alcalde & Fay, who has been recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency for leadership in global environmental protection and is internationally recognized as a specialist on environmental and energy issues. Other members of the Environment and Energy Practice Group have backgrounds in communications, law, science and congressional policy making and procedures.

When it comes to the environment, finding the right answers and developing reasonable policies are not easy tasks. Going it alone is even harder. Contact Alcalde & Fay to help ensure that your positions and issues are part of the discussion.

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