Emilie Touche
Legislative Assistant

Emilie Touche, Legislative Assistant, supports Associates and Partners with research and administrative efforts for a wide variety of clients. This includes drafting memos on policy issues, Congressional hearings, webinars, and grants.
Prior to joining the firm, Ms. Touche served as an intern for the political consulting firm, Spiros Consulting. Her experience included assisting partners with opposition research, including compiling data through media sources as well as analyzing and tailoring the information for client use. Ms. Touche also worked as a campaign intern for a public affairs team in Massachusetts, assisting in social media posts, background research, and drafting materials for voter outreach.
A native of Massachusetts, Ms. Touche graduated with Honors from American University with a B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies: Communication, Legal Institutions, Economics, and Government. She studied abroad for a year at the London School of Economics and Political Science where she earned a certificate in Government. While at American University, she actively participated in her schools College Democrats society putting many volunteer hours making phone calls and canvassing potential voters.